:: Nightmares And Illusions ::

Tired Of Life...Grab The .44 And Explore A New World
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:: Thursday, June 13, 2002 ::

The Psychology Of A Psychopath

All this time i was really alone
Never knowing it
Beautiful lies....like a steel web
Trapped forever....

You want to know me
You stupid fool
I am never.....never will i be.....never
When you seen me..you seen NOTHING!!!!

Say goodbye...Make me bleed
I set here with this feeling
This shotgun in my hands...At my head
With a explosion of red....THE ONLY ONE WHO KNEW ME IS GONE!!!!!

Do you want to save me?
I'm gone and never coming back
I am the end of me.....The Coma

Crushing,Tear it away,,Hate me
This is my lullaby
Passing away....Not so silently
Drink this....This choking drink

I don't feel anymore
I hear only the crying
Blunt trauma....
Free falling....to the asphalt


I am nothing
You are alone
Tears mean nothing
There is no coming back....

You will be able to find me easily
On that mountain...Under that rock
Flying through the skies...on the darkest of nights...
Hear my voice in the thunder.....my pain in the lightning

Only one.....Just one more change
From living to death
This world will devour me
And spit me back out.......starting again

:: WishKiller 9:55 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 ::

I don't want this anymore
Everything is dead
Killed inside

Why are you doing this??I don't want this
Blinded by all i needed
Bound by the words i spoke
No way to get out of this

Haunting me...why??
I didn't do anything wrong
You never cared about me
Its not my fault

Laying there
You were more beautiful than the day you died
So peacefull.....Bleeding
Feathery wings torn from your back

Infected scars...your only flaw
Did it hurt??...When you fell so far???
Landing like that
Flesh is more durable than you think

I will do anything to have you back
Anything you want
Open your eyes....Tell me what to do!!!
Carnal instincts.....I want you to.......

Believe when i say you are needed
Why do you insist on hurting me?
I didn't know it would hurt so...
Forgive my ignorance

I will meet you there
Give me the directions....the means
Broken glass...Broken bones
Broken will you gave to me

My pride was within you
Locked in a rusted cage
Burning endlessly

Bleeding so lovely
Pure now
As though you never sinned
I call out to you

Never have i felt so hollow
My mind...My soul
Nowhere..No one....Not again
Come back to me

You left me alone....
Gone insane
God damn it OPEN YOUR EYES
Fly away

Like a deer in the headlights
Buried alive
Missing this life
Running away....Far away

It is always like this...Alone
Gone away...Alone
I miss you...Alone
Loved you...Alone
Needing this...Alone
Never Again...Alone
Forever Alone!!!!!

:: WishKiller 12:06 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 06, 2002 ::
Angelic Massacre

She is like the wind
Lovely as the dead
Eyes like those of a wild animal
Smelling of death and chilling air

She will tear the soul out of you
Killing the light....Her name is eclypse
Haunting queen of the succubi
Leading hordes of demons..to lure you in And bleed you dry

You want to disbelieve the stories
And hide your eyes from evil
That my friend....flows in your veins..
And you will become fodder for the killing fields

Alway shunning the dark...And trusting the light
What do you think forms shadows??
Hapless forms surround you
And you pray...To no avail

Asleep in your bed...warm and content
Love and lust,in your mind
That is her doorway
Feeling your hair being stroked...you awake

Turn on the lights....no one
But a lingering smell of decay
Wondering what just happened
You drift back out.....never knowing

As you awake...searing pain.
A festering scar appears on your arm...
As you look it becomes quite clear what just happened
Not knowing the wound is from her embrace

Once a physical specimen
Now you are getting weak
Sick and dying..
Your lust is now your downfall

Gasping for air..you have a revelation
Not a dread did you awaken from
But a reality...You were part in spawning evil
Falling to your knees...you cry

You will die in sin something you always feared
A firm believer
Heaven and hell.....
Now you burn for your lust

:: WishKiller 11:03 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 ::
The Bastard Son Of Christ

One moment of doubt will settle it all
One little fuck up will kill it all
Sinner on sinless??What is the difference?
One persons view...Or the the way of the father

I am golgotha...I am death
Nails rusted...i am a murderer
Crown of thorns..I am
What is my name??.......SAY MY NAME!!!

Infanticide..The truth of all
Existence the only flaw i have
MIndless killer i eat you alive
Crucified on the bones of time...Forever i burn

See you in hell...If you can find me there
Let me in....let me kill you
Never a day passes you don't cry
I feed on your tears and i alone dominate you

Wondering the earth killing the weak
Terror incarnate
Look at me! behold the end!!
Cry and feel dead

On the road you skid
Crash and burn...die
Looking through your eyes...Watching you die
I hate!!!I am!!

Never will you ascend
Ripping out your spine
Crawl away.....SINNER!!!
Now it is the end of this pathetic lie

Lie to me and pay
Soul frozen in stone
Shattered by demonic might
Thrust into nothingness.....motherfucker you are dead

Into your hands i commend my spirit
Father i have forsaken you!!!
What will you do now
That i don't fear you??

Once upon the cross you hated me
Once upon a time i loved you
Ignorant child
I am judgment......And you will burn

Monstrous killer injected with mud
Dying and straining
Up on that hill
I will kill the chosen one

:: WishKiller 10:58 PM [+] ::

We have no future
Dying from conception
Living abortion
We all need to be
Never really living
Dying....Dying...Dying.....Never was

What's the point of this??
Smelling it in the air
Like sweet roses.Our future graveflower
Ashes of once been
Because we are cowards

This is what we get
Untamed and reckless
Will this kill us??
Make us like god??
Nothing will change...Justice??

Lambs of god...Prey for the world
Martyr of faith and fate
We will cease to be..
Like the atom splitting
Population explosion..Endless misery

Live or die....
Life or death
You die...you live
Killing us all by being born
Mongrels,Ravenous dogs We devour our young

Light a candle and make a wish
Kill the homeless to clean ourselves
Is abortion ok?Kiss their cheek
And send them to god
No future either way

Growing older and dumber
Wiser...not quite
Guns and knives.....survival
Do you love to die?
Shoot the children for their (colors)

Are we strong enough?
Living in this place
Killing to live
Dying to stay
This is the calm before the storm

Cause will remain
In perpetual death
Remain dying
All over again
Dead in the womb

Now we are the color of chalk
White as a ghost ...Because we are just memories of ourselves
Dead inside and soulless
Never was
and never will be.........

:: WishKiller 9:23 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 03, 2002 ::

Welcome to this place little one
Make yourself at home
Time is going by...night descends
Go rest your head...Your bones

Wake from your slumber little one..
Are you Scared??
Why are you scared??..I didn't do a thing
I am just your nightmare

One by one your friends leave you
Dying or stabbing you in the back
One thing is for sure
I will be your eternal soulmate...
Your shadow of black

You want to run...then do so
Your friends can't help you now
Want to kill me???I am forever
Kill your self..and i will leave you

Look back at those times
You thought no one would ever find out
You fucked her...i know you did
And you killed her when she got dry
Oh yes you did

Run from that
Keep it to yourself
I know things about you...
And what makes you crack
Murdered her.....Its true!!

Kill or be found out
Forced yourself and liked it
Sick motherfucker
Where did you get those scars...
Do i know??.......

Now it eats at you..
Sick feeling in the pit of your gut
Remember i know
And others will too
Time to pay the piper

Time is at hand
Killing you
Needing to forget
The darkness ensues

The time has come
And so did you
Wanting to die.....To kill again
Violence fetish....to ......

He will catch you
And it will be soon
You will pay
Again and again




:: WishKiller 11:23 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, May 31, 2002 ::

Where were you when i needed you?
Why were you not here?
I needed only some time....
You went away....

Please stay you said
Can we talk for a while??
You were the only one
Turned your back on me

I am alone
Now i am alone
Only one....Needed
Forgotten like i never was

Why did you go??
And will you ever be here again?
Looking at me from beyond....Or down the street
Alone i set and wait

Took my hand and lead me to paradise
Once there i turned away
You were gone
Never was there

Alone now i stand
Or falling from grace
Mislead and confused
Where were you

On the tree of callousness i hang
Looking for my....only one
Needing to breathe..unable without you
Crippled without a chance

Why did you leave me
Where did you go??
Will you ever come back?
Alone forever

The oath of unity
Broken by lies
Stripped bare
And bleeding....And bleeding..

Crowded mind full of doubt
I need you
Are you laughing at me
Or do i hear you cry

Do you still bleed as i do??
Or do you point and stare??
Wondering this earth alone
I am destined to be nothing

I see it now
The end is not far away
I don't know where you are
Or if you give a damn

You left me
Now i leave this world
Forsaken and abused
Will we meet again??

Dying and frozen...crying tears of ice
Crystalline features stuck in time
Here i will remain until you find me
Never growing old...forever in pain

One last thing
I wish you were here
The blood flowing from my wrists
As you did....Now i leave you........
:: WishKiller 12:17 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 ::
No Quarter

Tell me if you think that this is alright
Never give in to you...never in my life
I will laugh as your world burns down
Cry and bleed for me...I need this...you will submit!!!
In a bloody river you will drown

Never forget what got you here...
Nor will you forget the pain
The agony of the fist in your gut
As you bleed...i feel alive...
Nothing will suit you better than a dull blade cut

Broken and burnt
Crying on the floor
Screaming as my assault gets even more vicious
Beat to death,,,,how does it feel now??

Choking on the razors and your own blood
Forcing you to swallow...punishment for existing
Show me your weakness and ill show you....
Trauma to your head,,live in the hallucination

And you will not survive
Luckily its all i have
When i'm finished with you...You will know fear

Do as i say ...it may be easier
I grab the gun and blow out your knees
Then you will crawl to me on a pile of glass
Drawn and quartered...Split on the rack

Wrap barbed wire around your head
Then i will kick you teeth down your throat
Beg for it to stop.....You should have never crossed me..
Now i will see you slowly bleed..

Is this the way you want to die..
Oh...you want to live
Fine by me...Bathe in the gasoline
Light up a smoke...and relax

Your jaw broken..you will never again speak
Your will broken...terrified of the light
You look around at all the shadows
One of them may be me

Don't worry.Your wounds will heal
Disfigured and smelling of cancer
You will be in debt to me..showing you life is not easy
Don't worry..you will soon be limbless...CRAWL TO ME!!!!

:: WishKiller 12:19 AM [+] ::

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