:: Nightmares And Illusions ::

Tired Of Life...Grab The .44 And Explore A New World
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:: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 ::

No Quarter

Tell me if you think that this is alright
Never give in to you...never in my life
I will laugh as your world burns down
Cry and bleed for me...I need this...you will submit!!!
In a bloody river you will drown

Never forget what got you here...
Nor will you forget the pain
The agony of the fist in your gut
As you bleed...i feel alive...
Nothing will suit you better than a dull blade cut

Broken and burnt
Crying on the floor
Screaming as my assault gets even more vicious
Beat to death,,,,how does it feel now??

Choking on the razors and your own blood
Forcing you to swallow...punishment for existing
Show me your weakness and ill show you....
Trauma to your head,,live in the hallucination

And you will not survive
Luckily its all i have
When i'm finished with you...You will know fear

Do as i say ...it may be easier
I grab the gun and blow out your knees
Then you will crawl to me on a pile of glass
Drawn and quartered...Split on the rack

Wrap barbed wire around your head
Then i will kick you teeth down your throat
Beg for it to stop.....You should have never crossed me..
Now i will see you slowly bleed..

Is this the way you want to die..
Oh...you want to live
Fine by me...Bathe in the gasoline
Light up a smoke...and relax

Your jaw broken..you will never again speak
Your will broken...terrified of the light
You look around at all the shadows
One of them may be me

Don't worry.Your wounds will heal
Disfigured and smelling of cancer
You will be in debt to me..showing you life is not easy
Don't worry..you will soon be limbless...CRAWL TO ME!!!!

:: WishKiller 12:19 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 ::
The Pagan Prince

Sitting in a ice cold room full of magick
Studying the ancients...And their words
Black arts and runic words line the walls
On the altar i sit....Teeming with knowledge
And i wonder....

This is everything to us
The ancient power flows through us
Mother earth cries as we die
Takes us back in as we grow older

Ten thousand candles light the great hall
Torches burn brightly...As the ultimate power surges
Scrying in blood i wish of this...
Five elements create..as they also kill

Born of black fire...and breath of the void
I scream out in pain...This world so unaccepting
Born of ethereal blood i take this as my own
And will not submit to this....

Negative energy surrounds me
As you feel my dying aura
Flickering as a candle glowing ever fainter
Unknown to the modern world this magick forever

Eyes of flame and a soul so black
Psychokinetic...and learning to heal
Growing stronger and wiser....
Of this blood i claim my life... By the dagger....

Ever changing and to never be the same
One day my disciples will carry on this glorious lineage
Needing to understand and will never submit
And feeling the rush of power in your veins

One day you will understand
The beginning of your life
Or will it be the end
Are you so smart as to disbelieve?

Pentagrams and Daggers.....Are they evil?
Does your (father)hate them
And your mother earth cries for them
Why such angst for the real religion??

Blood and flesh means what to you??
Are they a gift or are they just there??
You were given your bones,,,Your hair
They all harbour your life force

Does the one you pray for live??
Or does the one you prey on die??
Is life about power of the government??
Or the power of the soul??

Does your afterlife have followers ...and leaders
Or does it have equils??
Power corrupts....
Are you the one to do so...?

Zeus.....Kzen tao...Satan...

who is right????

:: WishKiller 7:34 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 20, 2002 ::
People Will Say

Sitting by the street...Cold to the bone
Freezing and alone....Why me??
No one here... No one to keep me warm
I am here...But it has all gone away...

My friends left me to the vultures
Striped and torn...bleeding tears
Falling down....Crashing to my knees
So far down....Will someone save me?

Worrying about about (them) Will they be ok??
Something like a wedge forced us apart
Abysmal power broke the strongest link
The bond that made us...

I won't cry anymore
Though i have no wish to carry on
It feels good to be free...But i don't understand
My reasoning.clouded my mind....Only your memory remains

Existing in a world that i made for (us)
Disoriented and sick....Looking for the torch
Something to help me find you
Dying inside...Your malefication made me alone

But now i don't need you
I found a permanent in my life
My pain is all i need
For it....unlike you. WILL NEVER GO AWAY!!!!!!!!

Now you see your errors and want to be mine again
Give me a 2nd chance you say
Go to hell....be alone
You no longer mean shit to me

Back then i would lie to save you
Die for you...Cry about you
Needed you in my darkest hour

Be alone now ...Now that you seen your ways
Where you when i needed you
I needed your help
Now i am someone else,,,,you no longer matter

:: WishKiller 10:13 PM [+] ::

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